Kancelaria Prawna
The B & B Law Firm was established based on professional experience and passion for the law of its founders. From the beginning, the priority of B & B is to provide our clients with reliable and effective legal assistance.
We build relationships with clients on trust which results in long-lasting cooperation.
In our law firm operates a leading mediation centre in Poznań.
In order to provide comprehensive legal services, we cooperate with economic advisors, patent attorneys, notaries, appraisers and translators.

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Satisfaction guarantee
Our team
Our team consists of lawyers with many years of experience
in providing legal services as well as young,
passionate legal advisers with excellent qualifications.
We can look at each case from different points of view and find the optimal solution.
The latest news
Od 1 lipca 2020 r. zaczną działać sądy ds. własności intelektualnej.
W ubiegłym tygodniu prezydent podpisał...
Majątek wspólny małżonków po ogłoszeniu upadłości jednego z nich
Zgodnie z art. 124 ust. 1 ustawy – Prawo upadłościowe ...
Powrót postępowania w sprawach gospodarczych
W dniu 7 listopada 2019 r. do polskiego porządku prawnego...