Wielkopolskie Centrum Mediacji
Wielkopolskie Centrum Mediacji (Mediation Centre) was established in 2012 and since then the mediators associated in it have conducted hundreds of mediations promoting the idea of an amicable settlement of economic disputes and interpersonal conflicts.
In a good atmosphere, with passion, empathy and commitment,
we help to solve problems and overcome disagreement.

We guarantee
respect for voluntariness and complete confidentiality of conversations.
We also provide legal support.
We conduct mediation at the request of common courts,
as well as out-of-court mediations on individual request.
Our mediators
Thanks to knowledge and experience our mediators will successfully guide you through the entire mediation process and help you find a mutually satisfactory solution to the conflict.
Krystyna Bartoszewska and Leszek Binkowski are mediators entered into the list of mediators at the Regional Court in Poznań.

About mediation
The natural and timeless need of man is the need to reconcile.
This is what mediation is all about. The main goal is to conciliate parties with an assistance of an impartial mediator.
Mediation is conducted on a voluntary and confidential basis. The settlement developed by the mediation parties is based on their conviction about the effectiveness of the chosen solution. It guarantees the fulfillment of obligations accepted voluntarily, removes the source of conflict and allows to maintain good relations.
Mediation is used in various areas of social life and can be carried out in family, civil, economic and criminal matters.
Mediation may take place as a part of court proceedings on the basis of judicial referral, but also outside the court dispute – at the request of the interested parties themselves.
What is important for the mediation parties is that the settlement they conclude during mediation, after its approval by the court, has the same effects as a court order and ends the dispute.